
New version of LogiCalc is released. This version adds a few useful features. This program will be paid software from here on out. I’m making it only 6 USD. If you purchase this version, you will get any future version for free. Just ask. If you want to try it first, then download the free version 1.0 in the calculator pack post below.

(If you don’t understand this software, read the previous post on the calculator pack and that will tell you all about the first version.)

Here are the new features:

LogiCalc now has the “icap” feature. Just type that in, press enter, and start copying numbers in your browser or wherever. This is for instant clipboard capture. The old “cap” feature would push numbers all onto the same line and not run the calculation until you were ready and pressed enter. With icap, it will capture each number on a different line and add them instantly. This is better if you want results right after copying each number and don’t mind that it’s all on different lines. I prefer it. Remember to type “stop” after, just like you would with the old “cap” feature.

Now every answer has a number tag in front of it. For example, after doing your first calculation, you see a “[1] =” in front of your answer. You may use any of those answer numbers in your following calculations. Like, “[1]/[2]”. That will divide the first answer by the second. You can use any of them at the same time. You may also use “ans” instead. That is simply a shortcut to typing the highest number (or the most recent answer). That way, if you know you simply want to operate on the most recent answer, you don’t have to type in the answer number. It is useful in a situation where you want to divide a number by the last answer. Say, “4/ans” – it divides 4 by last answer. You could do “/4”, but that divides last by four instead of four by last. With other operations, it generally doesn’t matter what order they are in, so you could just type “*4” or “+4” or whatever to operate on the last answer.

Take note: If you are using super large numbers in the millions, you should add a “.0” after them, otherwise you might get an “Invalid command”. This forces the engine to use a larger variable size.

These are some useful calculator programs I wrote.

1. LogiCalc – An adding machine type calculator with a log

This is the front-runner of this pack! For so long I have wanted a calculator on Windows that works just like an adding machine. It’s really annoying that the default Windows calc can only show you basically one line at a time. Many times I’ll be looking at product prices or items in a shopping cart and wish that I had a calc with a log. Other calculators or using Excel are just over the top. I wanted something simple and easy to use.
Enter LogiCalc. . .
LogiCalc allows you to calculate in a log based format. Just enter a math calculation like “2+2+2” or whatever you want and press Enter to see the result printed in the log. It understands order of operations (but NOT variables). You can continue an expression on the next line after getting an answer. For example, type “+1” on the next line and it will add 1 to the previous answer. You can use +, -, *, /, or %.
Lastly, it has a clipboard capture feature. You know how sometimes there are several numbers on a website you want to add together? Like how much would all these products cost in total? Copy pasting each one or manually typing into Windows calculator is super annoying. Never again! Just type “cap” and press enter. Now go and copy each of those numbers and they will automatically get added to the calculation (no pasting or plus-ing). When done, just click the title bar to re-focus the app and press enter; there’s your answer. Remember to type “stop” when you are done adding those numbers, otherwise it will keep capturing any other numbers you copy. One stipulation is that it will not add a direct list of numbers copied all at once; you copy each number one at a time. (It doesn’t matter to me because generally on a website, they are separated by BS that would have to get filtered out (or even on different pages)).

2. CalcuCent – A quick, but serious, percentage calculator

This is for calculating percentages. Doing percentage calculations can be annoying and cumbersome with a standard calculator. Not anymore with CalcuCent. It’s much more than your average percentage calculator. It allows you to calculate for practically ANY type of situation using percentages. Its use is self-explanatory.

3. AspectRatio

I’m just throwing this one in here, but there’s nothing special about it. Calculate the aspect ratio of any resolution OR input an aspect ratio and it will give you a resolution (given one of the dimensions).

Google thinks my file contains a virus ? Probably cause my software is so small (180KB) and uses a lot of API calls.

So archive needs password: googlemanbad

? Download ( 64-bit Windows 7+ )

I’ve updated the Realistic Clocks app. Another person has gotten involved and improved the graphics. There aren’t many more new clocks yet; that’s for version 2.0. However, there are many improvements:

  1. Transparency – The window can now be partially transparent (preset values or custom)
  2. Pendulum clock and classic analog graphics improvement by Adrian.
  3. Dragging the clock too fast will not mess up like before.
  4. Improvements to alarm – You may now specify specific days of the week or a date.
  5. Alarm is now a WAV file, so you may change it to your own sound (or leave it). Just make sure the new sound you put is roughly the same length.
  6. Chimes are added – You may choose Westminster Small or Big, or load your own custom WAV file.
  7. Gong is added – The clock will gong the number of times on the hour. You have two choices for gong.
  8. Custom Clock is added – You may now make your own clock w/o changing the source code. You just need to edit the Custom.ini. Remember to restart program to see changes!
  9. Tube Timer included – It’s the nixie tube clock in kitchen timer format. You set number of minutes 1-59.
  10. You can now stop alarm with right click (no more fixed # of seconds for alarm to ring).

Download ( 64-bit Windows 7+ ):

I made a virtual clock program for PC. There’s many clock apps out there, but this one aims to make the clocks very realistic. It has an animated pendulum clock, traditional analog wall clock, and two nixie tube clocks.

The EXE is fully standalone (aside from MyClock.ini and AnalogClock.png). All other clocks are embedded. You may edit the one AnalogClock.png to your liking, however. To use it, you just need to launch the EXE. Left click drags the clock around. Right click gives you a menu of options. In the future there will be more pendulum clocks, a cuckoo clock, and chimes.

Please give feedback if you want to see a specific type of clock or if you have problems.

Download here (64-bit Windows 7 – 11):

Saving thumbnails from youtube videos is a problem especially if it’s from a channel you don’t own. There are solutions for downloading youtube videos and there are also many websites that allow you to paste ONE youtube link to get the thumbnail. If you are backing up a youtube channel either for archival or your own purpose, there is no way to get the thumbnails and data for all the videos as far as I can tell. So I made this program. It will also retrieve data like ID, title, viewCount, and uploadDate and will store that in an index text file. You need to get a bunch of youtube links to paste in. I get them by using the Firefox add-on called “Copy Selected Links”. I can then goto a YouTube channel, click videos, scroll down, and select/copy the videos I want. If you do the whole channel, make sure you only select like 50-ish videos at a time otherwise the copy links doesn’t work. Then you paste all that into my program and it’ll save your thumbnails. It doesn’t actually take very long even though it takes a while to describe. The end goal could be an offline video archival system with another program to view the content offline and load up VLC media player or whatever.

For programmers: There’s not a very easy way to get youtube data without using their stupid API key system. You’re not meant to obtain youtube data without it, but there are ways. The one way is to use this link: and just put the ID in there. You’ll then need to decode the data with Uri.UnescapeDataString(url). It’s confusingly Uri, not Url. There are other methods of this too. Once you do that, you’ll have a string with all the youtube data in it, then you can just perform normal string based functions on it. It’s almost like a JSON object, but seems clustered, so I don’t think you can just use a JSON reader on it. My program uses NO libraries at all (except .NET 4.0). The icon size is many times bigger than the program itself.


I have updated the program to get video data in addition to the thumbs. It gets ID, title, views, and upload date and puts them in an index file called 1A_YouTube.txt in the same folder. It’s sorted in chronological order. You can search that file to find the video you want. I made this software for my own archival purpose, but I think others may find it useful. If you have a request, send a message under contact us. If I make the final version, it WILL NOT be open source. I am a partial open source advocate – meaning I will give source, but only for small or preliminary versions.

New link:

New source:

Old Version

Here’s the link to the old thumbnail downloader:

Here’s the main source file (no project, sorry):

I just finished this desktop comp cryptocurrency ticker today. It’s a super small 380 KB program that will display the current price of your choice of practically any cryptocurrency at the bottom of your Windows desktop. This is version 0.9. The one limitation now is it will only display prices in USD. 1.0 will fix that. If it says “Loading. . .” for a minute or two on startup, just leave it and it’ll work after a while. Most of the time it loads in a couple seconds. Once it gets going, it will update at whatever speed you set it to. Right click on the text at the bottom once it’s finished loading and select “Edit List” – that’s where you control everything. Considering this is V0.9, it may have some runtime error (it should be OK). If it does, just let me know. You can add a shortcut to it in the Windows startup folder on the start menu so it will start when you boot the comp.

This is the “Edit List” window:

I believe there are around 1,400 choices of currencies supported. You can display the most common, such as bitcoin or any super obscure one. It will update the prices in USD every 5 – 600 seconds. It’s your choice how fast you want them to update. I recommend not using the minimum cause maybe your connection will time out or it will use more bandwidth (it is already a pretty small bandwidth though).

(It doesn’t come with the cool purple background. That’s my desktop background behind it. Maybe I’ll make it more fancy itself at some point if any single human uses it.)

There are many programs out there that can do this for you, but mine is as simple and small as it gets. No loading virtual browsers with JavaScript engines and bloat. No electron. It will work on any OS that supports .NET Framework 4.0 – which is Windows 7 to 10 in 64-bit. It would technically work on XP too, but you’d need a 32-bit build and this is not available at this time. It may work on Mac or Linux under the Mono Framework, but it is not tested.

It’s written in C#, hence the name Sharp Ticker.

It’s in a 7-zip archive with no installer (just the EXE and DLLs), so you’ll need 7-zip. EVERYONE should use it at this point. It’s free and better than WinRAR.

Here’s the download:

(Google has changed the Google Drive layout. When you click the link, you’ll need to look in the upper right hand corner of the screen for a small download icon. The file contents displayed on the screen do nothing. I wouldn’t a clue why they did this.)