New version of LogiCalc is released. This version adds a few useful features. This program will be paid software from here on out. I’m making it only 6 USD. If you purchase this version, you will get any future version for free. Just ask. If you want to try it first, then download the free version 1.0 in the calculator pack post below.
(If you don’t understand this software, read the previous post on the calculator pack and that will tell you all about the first version.)
Here are the new features:
LogiCalc now has the “icap” feature. Just type that in, press enter, and start copying numbers in your browser or wherever. This is for instant clipboard capture. The old “cap” feature would push numbers all onto the same line and not run the calculation until you were ready and pressed enter. With icap, it will capture each number on a different line and add them instantly. This is better if you want results right after copying each number and don’t mind that it’s all on different lines. I prefer it. Remember to type “stop” after, just like you would with the old “cap” feature.
Now every answer has a number tag in front of it. For example, after doing your first calculation, you see a “[1] =” in front of your answer. You may use any of those answer numbers in your following calculations. Like, “[1]/[2]”. That will divide the first answer by the second. You can use any of them at the same time. You may also use “ans” instead. That is simply a shortcut to typing the highest number (or the most recent answer). That way, if you know you simply want to operate on the most recent answer, you don’t have to type in the answer number. It is useful in a situation where you want to divide a number by the last answer. Say, “4/ans” – it divides 4 by last answer. You could do “/4”, but that divides last by four instead of four by last. With other operations, it generally doesn’t matter what order they are in, so you could just type “*4” or “+4” or whatever to operate on the last answer.
Take note: If you are using super large numbers in the millions, you should add a “.0” after them, otherwise you might get an “Invalid command”. This forces the engine to use a larger variable size.